Monday, 2 January 2017

Storyboard 1

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1) Main character becomes the clown, long-shot is firstly used two show what the clown looks like from a distance, this almost creates the same view that any victims would have of the clown.

Image result for tracking shot clown2) Camera goes to tracking shot, as the clown sees someone enter dark forest.

Image result for mid shot person in forest3) Camera is goes behind someone who is entering the forest, to replicate what the person is seeing in front of them.

Image result for pointing gun at clown4) The clown begins to sprint towards the woman with his knife, only to find out that the woman has a gun inside her pocket, the clown stops dead in it's tracks. The camera goes to a first person shot on the woman, pointing the gun towards the clown.

5) Noin diegetic sound of gunshot goes off , the scene ends with a black screen.

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