Tuesday, 18 April 2017

How did we edit our film using modern media technology?

Once we had done all of our filming, we decided that we needed the film to appear slightly darker to give that night time effect. In addition to this, we wanted to make sure that our clips were sharp and had no excess footage. Here are some pictures of us using Sony Vegas Pro to edit our media film:

Monday, 17 April 2017

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product? (Evaluation)


How did you attract/address your audience? (Evaluation)

Attracting and addressing your audience is crucial when producing a short horror film, the reason that this is very important is because you must find a way to give the potential audience a reason to come and watch your short film. Without audience, a film would fail.

In terms of attracting our audience, we wanted to create an ethos of tension throughout the film to keep the audience hooked, we achieved this through devising a plot where an innocent teenager is being chased by a psychopathic killer wearing a mask. The fact that the film was set in a forest really created that sense of tension that we strives for, because in a forest, you never know what can pop around the corner and you never know what can happen next. The excitement that the environment creates really worked in our favour when trying to keep the audience on the edge of their seats. This ensured that we kept the audience attracted to the film throughout. The many dark areas of the forest also created mystery for the viewers, which kept them drawn in and attracted to the film.
Image result for scared audience

The next key thing to consider when making our film was how we wanted to address our audience, and also the things that we wanted to address to them. Our goal was to address to the audience that young people are stereo typically vulnerable people, we also wanted to address to the audience that the psychopathic killer in the mask was not someone to take lightly. Once that we had found out what we wanted to address to our audience, we had to find out how to do it. As a group, we used the storyline of our film to portray the vulnerability of young people, the young person got hunted down by the killer, and when they met face to face, the young person was completely defenceless. The way in which we showed the audience that the killer was not to be taken lightly was through manipulating camera angles. When the killer went to pick up the camera that he had found, we used a low angle shot form the camera, there you see a brooding figure with a terrifying mask.

Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Who would be the audience for your media product? (Evaluation)

One of the most challenging tasks for film makers is to identify which type of audience they are going to target. This is also a very important task for film makers because they can base all of their future promotional work around what audience they intend to target.

Related image

Following detailed discussion with our group, we decided that our target audience for our horror movie would be anyone from the ages of 15 to 30. The reason that we have decided to target these age groups is because firstly, teens and younger adults are the main age groups which are into horror movies. This is due to the buzz and hype that these age groups spread to one another about the next 'scariest film'. 

The second reason that we chose to pick people from the ages of 15-30 as our target audience is because the majority of people at those age ranges have access to the internet and social media. This is massively important to us because firstly, we will be distributing the film through YouTube, which means that the audience must have access to the YouTube. Secondly, teenagers and young adults use social media to connect with friends and follow the news, this helps us because it helps the popularity of our film spread if these young people are spreading and talking about our new film through social media, which results in more people becoming aware of our film.

Thursday, 6 April 2017

How does your media product represent particular social groups? (Evaluation)

The main social group that our media product targets to represent is teenagers. I believe that the plot of our horror film makes plenty of inferences towards the young people in our society, whether it be positive or negative inferences.

For example, the main character in our film is a young person who is being hunted by a murderer. The plot of our film infers that young people are weak and vulnerable, the reason that the plot infers this is because the killer specifically picks to attack the young person, this is because the young person could be defenceless and an 'easy kill'.

Image result for serial killer woods

The next way in which young people are represented in our horror film is innocent. This goes against the common way in which young people are represented in our society. For example, young people are thought to be trouble makers who hang around on street corners, whereas in this horror film, the young person is innocent and minding his own business.

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why? Part 1 (Evaluation)

Part 1 Of Answer