Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Who would be the audience for your media product? (Evaluation)

One of the most challenging tasks for film makers is to identify which type of audience they are going to target. This is also a very important task for film makers because they can base all of their future promotional work around what audience they intend to target.

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Following detailed discussion with our group, we decided that our target audience for our horror movie would be anyone from the ages of 15 to 30. The reason that we have decided to target these age groups is because firstly, teens and younger adults are the main age groups which are into horror movies. This is due to the buzz and hype that these age groups spread to one another about the next 'scariest film'. 

The second reason that we chose to pick people from the ages of 15-30 as our target audience is because the majority of people at those age ranges have access to the internet and social media. This is massively important to us because firstly, we will be distributing the film through YouTube, which means that the audience must have access to the YouTube. Secondly, teenagers and young adults use social media to connect with friends and follow the news, this helps us because it helps the popularity of our film spread if these young people are spreading and talking about our new film through social media, which results in more people becoming aware of our film.

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