Thursday, 6 April 2017

How does your media product represent particular social groups? (Evaluation)

The main social group that our media product targets to represent is teenagers. I believe that the plot of our horror film makes plenty of inferences towards the young people in our society, whether it be positive or negative inferences.

For example, the main character in our film is a young person who is being hunted by a murderer. The plot of our film infers that young people are weak and vulnerable, the reason that the plot infers this is because the killer specifically picks to attack the young person, this is because the young person could be defenceless and an 'easy kill'.

Image result for serial killer woods

The next way in which young people are represented in our horror film is innocent. This goes against the common way in which young people are represented in our society. For example, young people are thought to be trouble makers who hang around on street corners, whereas in this horror film, the young person is innocent and minding his own business.

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